You can absolutely create a profitable coaching business.

But to do so, you must first learn how to overcome every coaching business owner's 4 Great Challenges.

Successfully overcoming these challenges is your golden ticket to a world where profits flow easily to you.

With your business finally thriving and clients excited to work with you, you can finally feel the taste of success as you shatter every obstacle in your way, and turn your knowledge into a business that not only pays the bills, but fills your life with the exhilarating rush of true achievement.

Beware though – fail to successfully overcome any of the 4 challenges, and you’ll likely find yourself trapped in an endless grind, with your dreams of financial freedom slipping like sand through your fingers.


But what are these 4 Great Challenges, and why is conquering them crucial to your business success?

The 4 Great Challenges

Challenge 1: The Market Maze

The "Market Maze" encapsulates the confusion and complexity you may often face when trying to navigate the crowded and chaotic coaching market.

It represents the bewildering number of paths you can take when it comes to branding, positioning, and selling your services, with each turn bringing a new challenge or decision.

Coaches caught in this maze may find themselves lost in a jungle of competition, unsure of which direction leads to success, and which to failure.

This confusion can frequently lead to analysis paralysis, where the fear of making a wrong decision results in endless procrastination and prevents you from making any real progress at all.

And that's why you need to find a clear path through the market maze. That's essential for standing out, attracting the right clients, and establishing a thriving coaching business that's built on a foundation of clarity and strategic direction.

Challenge 2: Positioning Fog

"Positioning Fog" refers to the murky, confusing, and unclear state in which many coaches find their brands and offerings. It leads to the constant need to keep struggling to stand out in a saturated market due to a lack of distinct messaging and strategic differentiation.

If you're in this state, your true value proposition will be obscured, much like a lighthouse enshrouded in mist, unable to guide clients to a safe harbor.

The devastating consequence is that this fog leads to a misalignment between your expertise and the market's perception, causing potential clients to pass you by, without noticing the unique benefits that would be available to them if they worked with you.

If you're caught in the Positioning Fog, you’ll experience a blend of low visibility, misunderstood offerings, and misaligned client expectations.

The result is a diluted impact and a coaching practice that feels adrift, struggling to attract and retain the right clients for you.

And that's why you must clear this fog, so that you can accurately convey your value, establish your niche, and attract clients who resonate with your core message.

Challenge 3: The Package Puzzle

The "Package Puzzle" refers to the challenge you face when assembling your coaching offers into appealing, coherent packages, that ideal clients are eager to buy.

It often shows up when you're in the process of figuring out the right combination of content, pricing, and delivery that makes sense both to you and to the potential ideal client.

Big pieces of the puzzle often include determining what to include or leave out, how to differentiate your offerings from competitors', and how to communicate value so that it's understood immediately.

Many coaches struggle with the "Package Puzzle”, unable to find the perfect fit that clicks with their market, leading to overlooked opportunities and potential income loss. 

Solving the "Package Puzzle" is crucial if you want to create offerings that not only sell effortlessly, but also truly represent the transformation they provide, leading to greater client satisfaction and business growth.

Challenge 4: The Client Chase

The "Client Chase" is a common issue, where coaches tirelessly pursue potential clients, often feeling like they're running in circles.

Despite their best efforts, these coaches struggle to secure consistent business, which can be both exhausting and disheartening.

This seemingly perpetual chase typically stems from a lack of clear messaging and a compelling value proposition that resonates with their ideal clients. So, instead of attracting clients naturally through a strong brand and targeted marketing strategies, coaches find themselves in an endless pursuit, trying to convince people to choose their services, often unsuccessfully.

This leads to wasted time, energy, resources, and can even chip away at the coach's self-confidence.

Breaking free from this cycle is crucial not only for building a sustainable, profitable coaching practice, but also to grow your self-confidence as a valuable coach.

The High-Ticket Coaching Strategy is your blueprint to overcome these 4 challenges, and successfully build a profitable and fulfilling coaching business.

This is a comprehensive, step-by-step strategy tailored for coaches looking to maximize their earnings and impact in the market.

In it, you'll find a roadmap that encapsulates a unique methodology that teaches you how to design and position your coaching packages in a way that makes them irresistibly appealing to your ideal clients.

It's not just about slapping together a program and pricing it; it's about deeply understanding the perceived value and the psychological triggers that lead to a purchase.


This blueprint goes beyond the basics, offering a blend of market analysis, pricing psychology, and value proposition design to ensure that your packages are not only profitable, but that they also fulfill the needs and desires of your ideal clients.


The purpose of the program is to help you conquer the 4 great challenges, and escape the dreaded cycle of undervaluation and underpayment, paving a clear path to financial freedom and recognition as a leader in the coaching field.

This program will help you:

Get Unwavering Clarity

Regarding your target niche, your coaching packages' content, how to position yourself as an expert, what your next steps should be, and so much more!

Design Offers That Can be Sold for Premium Prices

That still feel like an amazing deal to your ideal clients.

Positioning Yourself as an Expert

No matter how much previous experience you have as a coach.

Overcome the Fear of Being Too Expensive

And build your confidence regarding the value that you provide.

Overcome the Fear of Self-Promotion and Selling

So that you can put the feeling that you are acting sleazy or "salesy" behind your back.

Create a Thriving Coaching Business

Set down the foundations that will allow you to build the booked-out business that you can now only dream of.

Now... if you don't already have years of coaching experience under your belt, you may be wondering...

"Can I really sell my services for premium prices even if I just started my coaching business?" 

And the answer is... Yes!

You don't need years of coaching experience or to be "internet famous" to get a fully booked calendar, selling your services at prices that are not only sustainable, but profitable.

In fact, how many "internet famous" coaches have you come across?

What you do need, is a sound business strategy. Because what you're trying to do is build a business, right?


What exactly do you need to figure out to be able to build your dream business?

Well, some important things, among others that we'll cover in the course, are:

  • How do you select a profitable niche or target market? (No, you cannot build a profitable coaching business in any market, no matter what people tell you).

  • How do you define the profile of your ideal client? (No, selecting a random population that you believe you might like working with and adding a couple of adjectives to it to make it more specific is not a proper method).

  • What can, and can't you charge premium prices for? (No, you cannot sell anything for premium prices; clients aren't fools).

  • How do you package your services into offers that ideal clients cannot wait to buy from you at profitable prices?

  • How do you position yourself as an expert, even if your experience is limited? (People pay premiums to work with experts, now with anyone off the street).

  • How do you get clients to make large investments in your services, and help them overcome the initial price-tag shock?

  • How do you overcome your own mental barriers to charging premium prices? (Because some people are more critical of their own prices than are their target clients!)

  • And so much more...

The truth is that to build a thriving business, you do need to learn about business strategy.

And what you need to know, is quite frankly... a lot.

But the good news is that I have condensed the most important things that you need to know in this simple-to-follow course.

This means that you won't have to spend years trying to figure things out on your own, while gathering bits and pieces of knowledge that are scattered around in dozens of books, courses, or that you could only get from experience unless someone who already learned them (often the hard way) shares them with you.

In this course, I share the most relevant strategies when it comes to growing a business, which I cherry-picked from a pool of business knowledge that took me over 25 years to gather.

All you need to do is watch the lessons, complete the exercises, and you'll save yourself possibly years of banging your head against a wall, trying one supposed-to-be-miraculous internet guru's "strategy" after another, without ever seeing any actual results. And, possibly even giving up on your dream to grow a successful coaching business.


So... What is included in the course?

To kick the course off, we'll start by talking about how to select the right coaching market for you considering both profit potential and personal fulfillment.

You'll also learn how to properly define who your ideal clients are likely to be. After all, you cannot find what you're not looking for.

And then, you'll be able to say goodbye to all the confusion around whether you're being too specific regarding your market niche, or if on the other hand, you're not being specific enough and need to niche down further. Because in this module you'll learn the 4 criteria that you need to consider when deciding whether to niche down further, and which very few people understand.

You'll discover why you must charge premium prices if you want to build a sustainable coaching business, and why being fully booked may be a bad thing.

And then, you'll finally understand what it really takes to be able to charge premium prices. (A hint: it has nothing to do with selling services about how to make more money, or selling to millionaires only).

Unfortunately, what people are willing to pay premiums for is widely misunderstood, often leading businesses to either grossly undercharge or create offers that cannot possibly be sold for what they’d need to be sold to be profitable.

You'll learn the 7 characteristics that profitable coaching niches share.

Keeping an eye out for these when selecting your target niche will dramatically increase your chances of succeeding as a coaching business owner.

On the other hand, ignoring them may lead to years of struggling just to keep your bills paid, until hopefully one day, with some luck, you accidentally stumble upon the right market, possibly without ever realizing that you have finally found a market with these 7 characteristics, that you should have been looking for all along.

You'll learn a step-by-step approach to define your packages' content and structure.

This method will help you make sure that you deliver exactly what your ideal clients want to buy, which is instrumental to ensuring sales success, while at the same time ensuring that you guide clients to stellar outcomes, thus improving the chances of getting repeat purchases and recommendations in the future.

You'll learn how to use market research to validate your coaching idea and your market, as well as your ideal packages' content, structure, positioning, and the value messages that you'll use to promote and sell your services.

The goal here is to be able to use the simplest, fastest, and most effective market research methods that can still answer the relevant questions at each point in time, so that you don't waste countless hours running around like a headless chicken wasting your time with needless, time-consuming methods that won't even yield proper results.

Lastly, you'll learn a strategy to position yourself as an expert even while still conducting the market research, improving the chances that the people you come in contact with while conducting your research will later go on to become actual paying coaching clients.

You'll learn how to fine-tune your coaching packages and their prices.

Then, you'll learn a strategy to ask for client testimonials that will ensure that the testimonials that you get are so motivating and relatable, that they'll help you sell your services on their own.

Finally, we'll go over the proper way to ask for feedback, and equally important, the two criteria that you should always consider when deciding which improvement suggestions you should incorporate, and which ones you should completely ignore.

We'll talk about why pricing mindset is so important for coaching business owners, and why its impact cannot be overlooked if you want to grow a thriving coaching business.

Then, we'll go over 6 highly damaging pricing mindset blocks that are pervasive among coaches, and which may prevent you from charging fair (or even sustainable) prices for your services.

You'll also find out what is the minimum price that you could possibly charge if you want your business to be sustainable, and lastly, we'll talk about strategies to help you deal with the mental pricing blocks that may prevent you from comfortably charging the prices that you ought to be charging.

We'll talk about how your prices influence not only the value that your target clients perceive in your offers, but even your offers' actual value and ability to generate results.

We'll cover an important mindset shift that you may need to make so that selling becomes easy and natural for you (and yes, that is possible even if right now you dread the idea of having to sell anything).

You'll also learn what "you're too expensive" really means, how you can overcome that objection to successfully sign your ideal clients at profitable prices, and a strategy to be able to put your foot in the door even when clients are too reluctant to invest in a high-ticket package when you first meet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work for me even if I'm starting?

Yes, the course was created considering that complete beginners might enroll.

It does not cover how to coach clients (that knowledge you'll need to acquire elsewhere), but it does provide you with business strategy insights that can help you successfully get your business off the ground much faster.


Are you a certified coach?

No. I never studied to be a coach, I studied business; my formal training includes a management degree at the Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics (2003), and a full-time MBA at IESE Business School in Barcelona (2009). Coaching showed up in my life informally, due to a need to support my consulting clients with the implementation of the projects I was delivering.

The knowledge I share in my courses is a result of my business education, extensive reading, and experience gained through my work in business planning and analysis at multinationals Siemens and Novartis, strategic marketing consulting at Simon-Kucher & Partners, and running my own business.


Why should I trust you instead of a certified coach?

Well, if what you’re looking for is advice on how to coach, you shouldn’t. You’ll be able to find other instructors more qualified to help with that.

But if what you’re looking for is for help regarding how to create a business strategy for your coaching business, then you’re in the right place. Because what I’m qualified to help with, is creating successful business and marketing strategies, and supporting their implementation.

To be clear, please note that I’m not promising to help you define how you will coach your clients. What I will help you with, is becoming a better business owner, by helping you identify who your ideal target clients are, what your coaching package should include, and how to position it so that it is easier to sell. That’s business strategy, not coaching.

That means that I’ll help you put together a session plan and its content, but I won’t help you figure out how you will coach anyone. Teaching you how to become a better coach is outside my scope of expertise.


When will I have access to the course contents?

Immediately after you purchase.


For how long will I have access to the program?



How long will the course take to complete? I'm not sure if I have the time for this…

This isn't an overly long course; you can probably watch all the videos in one or two days. Sure, completing the exercises and implementing the strategies will take a bit longer, but the question I would ask back would be: how much time do you have to keep working without a proper action plan that's based on a strategy that can actually deliver results?


Will you help me complete the work?

I’m afraid not; the course is priced assuming that you will work independently. You may ask clarification questions regarding the content, but there’s no coaching or consulting component included.


How do I know if this program is worth the investment for me?

I believe this program is very reasonably priced, and it should be possible to make back the investment several times over in a short period of time with the knowledge that you get from it. However, thanks to the 14-day no-questions-asked guarantee, you can take a look inside risk-free, and see it for yourself.


What if the course doesn’t work for me, or it isn’t what I expected?

I want all my students to be happy with the course. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you can ask for a no-questions-asked refund for the first 14 days of joining.

To recap, this program will help you:

Select a profitable niche or target market (and no, the answer isn't selling "how to make money" programs, nor targeting millionaires).

Properly define the profile of your ideal client.

Figure out what you can, and what you cannot charge premium prices for, as well as how to position your offers to achieve higher selling prices.

Package your services into offers that ideal clients cannot wait to buy from you at profitable prices.

Position yourself as an expert, even if your coaching experience is limited.

Get clients to make large investments in your services, and help them overcome the initial price-tag shock.

Overcome your own mental barriers to charging premium prices.

And much, much more.

Not taking action may cost you

  • Having to find your ideal client profile through trial and error, possibly wasting months (if not years) of hard work, with no results to show for it.

  • Creating offers that nobody, or very few people want to buy from you, forcing you to permanently keep searching for new leads that you’re unable to sell anything to.

  • Possibly never understanding why you see others succeeding as coaches, while you remain stuck, despite knowing that you’re a good coach and that you could add tons of value to your clients’ lives (if only people became clients).

  • Possibly never understanding why other coaches are able to sell their services for premium prices, while people only seem to be interested in working with you for free (or almost).

Why should you enroll today?

Enroll now, and stop spinning your wheels, struggling to find new leads, who once found, don’t seem to be in the least interested in buying your services for the prices that you need to charge if your business is ever going to be profitable.


I want my students to be happy with their purchases.

If for any reason you’re not happy with yours, feel free to request a no-questions-asked refund within the first 14 days of your purchase.

No catch. No need to show proof that you’ve completed 6 months of work in those 14 days, nor do any sort of ritual dance under a full moon. Just ask for a refund, and you’ll get your money back.